Customizing document models

Phase comes with predefined document models. However, it is designed so you can create your own.

All you need to do is to create a new application with a name ending by “_documents”:

mkdir myproject_app
cd myproject_app startapp myproject_documents

You need to make sure that this application is accessible in the PYTHONPATH. If you use virtualenvwrapper, you can use add2virtualenv:

add2virtualenv myproject_app

Once this is done, add your application in the core/settings/ file and run migrate.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals


This file is listed in .gitignore and must not be commited.

Document model definition

Every document model is made of two classes: a base metadata class and a revision class. The base class must inherit of documents.models.Metadata and the revision class must inherit of documents.models.MetadataRevision.

Check the default_documents.models package for an up to date working example.

Required fields and methods

On the metadata base class, you must define a latest_revision field as a foreign key to the corresponding metadata class.

Inside this class, you also must define a PhaseConfig class the same way you would define a Meta class. This is used to configure how your document model integrates itself into Phase.

To have the full list of methods that you must implement, take a look in documents/ and check all methods that throw a NotImplementedError.

Document unique identifier

Every document in Phase have a unique identifier, stored in the document_key field. However, every document type must define how this field is generated.

This must be done in the generate_document_key method. Here is a example :

def generate_document_key(self):
    return slugify(

The fields that you will use to build unique identifiers should also be listed in a unique_together entry in the Meta subclass.

Document list columns

In PhaseConfig, the column_fields is used to define which fields will be displayed inside columns.

column_fields = (
    ('Document Number', 'document_key', 'document_key'),
    ('Title', 'title', 'title'),
    ('Rev.', 'current_revision', 'latest_revision.revision'),
    ('Rev. Date', 'current_revision_date', 'latest_revision.revision_date'),
    ('Status', 'status', 'latest_revision.status'),

Each entry is composed of three elements:

  1. The name that will be displayed in the column header.
  2. The class that will be given to the column.
  3. The accessor to get the column value. You can use a field name or a property.

Search and filter form

In the document list, a document filter form is displayed to search and filter documents. Which field will be used is also defined in PhaseConfig.

# Here are the fields that fill appear in the filter form
filter_fields = ('leader',)

# Those fields will be searchable in the filter form
# You can use fields from the base document or the revision
searchable_fields = ('document_key', 'title')

Import fields

In PhaseConfig, the optionnal import_fields is used to define how to retrieve foreign keys when importing documents and how to generate import templates.

import_fields = OrderedDict(('document_key', {}),
    ('title', {}),
    ('originator', {
        'model': 'accounts.Entity',
        'lookup_field': 'trigram'}),
    ('discipline', {}),
    ('document_type', {}),
    ('vd_code', {}),
    ('received_date', {}),
    ('docclass', {}),
    ('client_document_number', {}),
    ('status_idc_planned_date', {}),
    ('status_ifr_planned_date', {}),
    ('status_afc_planned_date', {}),
    # Revision fields
    ('revision', {}),
    ('status', {}),
    ('purpose_of_issue', {}),)

Simple fields like title or vd_code are populated by inserted the imported value. For foreign key, like originator, we specifiy a dict containing the referenced model (here ‘accounts.Entity’) and the lookup field (‘trigram’).

For revisions, the created_on field is always filled with the import date and should not belong to import_fields.